Tuesday 4 September 2012

Quit Smoking To Prevent Back Pain

Smoking can cause back pain by reducing blood supply to your spine and increasing your risk of getting osteoporosis. Even though you are very well acquainted with the dangers that smoking cigarettes can bring, quitting is still not an easy task. If you are attempting to stop smoking, you might just need a little push down the right road. This article will give you some great tips to help you quit.

When your desire to quit is strongest, put those feelings into a poem or song. Carry it with you and read it when you need motivation. Research has shown that this method is very helpful in quitting smoking.

When you decide to quit smoking, enlist the help of friends and family. Tell those who are close to you that you plan on quitting. They can offer you tons of support, which could make a world of difference and help you along. Support groups and behavioral therapy can also offer help you in your effort to quit.

Deep breathing is one effective way to cope with cravings. This allows you to focus on your battle, reminding you of exactly why you decided to give up. It will bring oxygen into your body, relaxing you and helping to clear your mind. Deep breathing exercises are very easy to do, and you can practice them at any time.

Make sure you get your family and friends on board to support your efforts to purge cigrrettes from your life. Tell the people around you that you want to quit smoking. They can provide you with important encouragement. It can also help to have a support group when trying to quit.

The first 7 days of quitting are the absolute hardest. In the first two days, your body will eliminate all the nicotine you have consumed. Once the nicotine is out of your system, you'll be craving emotionally instead of physically. While your experience will still likely be difficult to work through, having this knowledge in the back of your mind might make it easier to cope.

As you meet your short-term goals for smoking cessation, reward yourself! For instance, go to a movie after one week that you don't smoke. Once you reach a month without smoking, go to a special restaurant. After that, slowly build the reward until you've reached the point at which you no longer think about smoking.

Substitute exercise for smoking in your life. Your body will expel toxins, start to rebuild itself and you'll feel the results in your workouts in no time. Your body will become stronger and stronger, and you will be less tempted to fall back on your old habits.

In order to make quitting smoking more tolerable, just take one step at a time. There is no need to dwell on stopping forever; simply resolve to quit smoking for the day you are in right now. Sometimes having a shorter timeline makes things easier on you mentally and physically. You can always increase your goals and time horizon when you are ready.

Make your attempts as manageable as possible. It is not usually wise to try and quit cold turkey. There's about a 95% chance doing this will be unsuccessful for you. Since nicotine is so addictive, it is best to wean yourself off. These therapies can alleviate some of the withdrawal symptoms, which makes it easier to break the habit.

When a craving comes on to eat after you quit smoking, reach for vegetables and fruit. This will prevent the likelihood of weight gain that is so common for people who've recently given up cigarettes. Your body will likely crave food as you quit smoking, so allow yourself to snack using healthy treats to keep your mind and body in top shape.

Inform your friends and family members that you have decided to quit smoking. You will find that this constant stream of support can make great strides in encouraging you, and motivating your efforts. Ask them to remind you, when you're feeling tempted to smoke, that you are quitting for a healthier life, and to feel better.

Reward yourself for every day that you avoid smoking. Eat your favorite meal or buy something for yourself on days that you don't smoke. This rewards system will help you substitute your unhealthy cravings with healthy desires.

You might have used smoking when you are feeling stressed. Find other techniques you can use to relax when you feel stressed. Meditation, music and yoga are some good ideas to try. They can reduce the severity of your cravings for a cigarette and help to reduce stress.

Do research on the very serious effects that smoking can cause. Look at photographs of diseased hearts and lungs, gums destroyed by smoking and tumors after they have been removed. You can also look at memorial pages for people who have passed on thanks to cigarettes.

Think positively about quitting smoking. Don't tell yourself that you're giving up something you like. Instead, view your decision to quit as a gift you're giving yourself. This will help you to gain motivation and increase perseverance towards your goals. Think about positives such as how much more healthy you'll feel. Focus on these positives rather than negatives, such as missing the taste of cigarettes in your mouth. You can remain motivated and realize the benefits of quitting.

Quitting smoking is not just a physical challenge, but it's an emotional one, as well. Cravings are real and they aren't always easy to resist. Try keeping a journal and writing down all of your cravings. Be specific by including the time, how it really felt, what activity you were participating in, and how you dealt with it. This can help you to become aware of your triggers, meaning that you will have a better chance of taking control of them.

Do not get discouraged if you fail to quit the first time you try. Even the people who are most prepared to quit have a really difficult time succeeding at first. Identify where you went wrong so you can learn from that moment for next time. Next time you face a similar situation, you may be ready to succeed.

There isn't a single cure which works for every smoker, which makes quitting a little more difficult than you'd like. However, that does not mean that quitting is impossible. Utilizing the tips you've learned from this article will help you to successfully quit smoking. So, see if any of these tips can work for you. You might be pleased to realize that it was easier than you originally thought

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