Friday 31 August 2012

Aging And Back pain

As you age, your disks that lies between the vertebrae shrink and wear away causing back pain and stiffness in the bones. Many people do not know how to handle aging. By reading this article, you will learn tips on how you can age gracefully and naturally. You will also learn how you can prevent aging in some ways and how you can control how fast you age.

Exercise regularly to stay youthful. It has been scientifically proven that people who exercise have a longer life span and stay healthier. Exercise benefits your body in many different ways, such as improving muscle tone and increasing circulation, while also helping maintain healthy skin and increased stamina.

Taking the time to enjoy life day by day is the key to happiness. Much like you did with your children, it is important to set goals and benchmarks as you age. When you are able to meet these milestones, such as meeting your retirement account objectives, you will get the same sense of satisfaction you did with your children.

It is a common occurrence to gain weight as people age. When you have a lower total weight, you have a lower chance of problems like strokes, heart disease, and some forms of cancer. Eating healthy food and exercising will help your body maintain a healthy weight.

To stay in shape as you age, mix up the exercise you get by engaging in different activities. People often get stagnant as they get older, and they no longer exercise. This is why many people experience a loss of muscle and strength as they age. The best way to get physical activity is to integrate small activities like walks or housework into your daily routine.

Check your blood pressure on a regular basis. High blood pressure is often called "the silent killer" because you can have it and have no symptoms at all. You will have to be careful to have your blood pressure checked often since your cardiovascular system works less effectively as you grow older. That way, if there is a problem you can address it right away.

Try to get a good amount of sleep each day. Seven to nine hours is the amount you want to shoot for. Health problems, from depression to heart disease, can be triggered by too little sleep.

Anti-oxidants should be present in your diet as much as possible. Experts advocate this so free radicals that are in your system can be neutralized. Dark, richly colored produce contains the most antioxidants. Some fruits and veggies to eat include tomatoes, squash, berries, and spinach.

Whenever you can, spread peace and joy. If you can make someone else smile, you will smile yourself. A good deed costs nothing, yet happiness is worth far more than money.

Eat properly. Get plenty of produce, and cut back on sugary sweets and fatty treats. Having a healthy diet helps you maintain not just your physical health, but your mental health, too, and it gives you the necessary fuel you require to help you through your day.

Take special care to get the proper amount of sleep for the age bracket you are in. You should get at least 7 hours of sleep a night, it will help you stay healthy. Not getting sufficient sleep will cause you to be grouchy and less likely to enjoy your life.

Beware of news reports about the dangers and frequency of "male menopause." Although men do experience a slight decrease in testosterone production as they age, their testosterone levels have to be extremely low in order for them to suffer any serious side effects. An underlying condition is generally the culprit when it comes to lower levels of testosterone. It is a misconception that aging cause it. The scientific evidence is not strong enough to advocate hormone replacement therapy for men who have low testosterone that is within normal parameters for age.

Always strive to learn new things, and embrace new experiences to keep yourself healthy and youthful. Learning is essential throughout your life.

Aging can be very debilitating: At some point, the elderly are no longer able to care for themselves. When this happens, it is wise to consider moving into an assisted living facility or nursing home. Sometimes this is not what is wanted, but it is the only solution to ensure that a person receives the care they need and protect them from harm. These facilities employ licensed professionals to help residents with a high quality of care.

Sleep at least 8 hours every night to fight aging. Sleep helps your body regenerate and rest. When you want to feel and look great, get enough sleep. Eight hours of sleep is ideal, but you might need more or less depending on your age, schedule, and other factors.

If you want to look good, it is wise to quit smoking. Smoking gives you wrinkles and can make your lips thinner. It also makes you age faster and can put you in the grave before your time.

It's important to guard against fraud. Fraudsters often target older people to make easy cash. Never give your banking information to anyone as a means to protect yourself. This helps keep your money with you.

To reduce the effects of aging on your face, try a facial massage. You can slow down wrinkles, sagging, and bagginess with a good massage. The massage's stimulation will keep the skin flexible and improve circulation. To massage your face, simply use your fingertips and rub in a circular motion.

How to avoid the downside of aging? Tiredness, putting on weight, disease and 'senior moments' of blank memory are the dreaded accompaniments of aging. Maintaining fitness and health through sound practices of daily life can help avoid these things. Simply eating healthy foods and exercising can keep your mind and body sharp.

As you grow older, sleep is incredibly important. Sleeping seven or nine hours can both relax you and help you retain a healthy hormonal balance. The less you sleep, the more irritable you will be in the morning.

Don't worry about years when it comes to age. The number isn't nearly as important as how you feel. Your age is just a number, and you are only old if you allow yourself to think or feel that way. It is possible to feel much younger than your chronological age indicates. It is important to realize that age is just a number, and you should live your life to the fullest every day.

It is important to realize that aging well depends on more than just luck or genetics. Aging can be very difficult for some people. Choosing healthy options takes a lot of effort, and as you get older it's going to become harder and harder. The tips in this article can help make it easier to stay healthy as you age.

Monday 27 August 2012

A Good Nutrition Means A Healthy Lifestyle And Freedom From Back Pain

Good nutrition is a smart way towards a healthier pain-free lifestyle especially for those suffering from back pain. To manage or reduce back pain choose fresh foods that contain anti-inflammatory properties such as fruits, vegetables and lean protein.

A healthy lifestyle requires greater effort in the nutritional field. There are so many foods and plans that require research, work and a knowledge of your personal nutritional needs. Do you have the desire to succeed? Use these tips to assist you in making better choices.

A good way to improve your nutritional habits is to banish junk foods like cakes, candies and sugary drinks from your kitchen. Try eating healthy snacks like vegetables and whole grain snacks instead.

Every healthy diet includes a breakfast. It is often stated that breakfast provides an important start to your day. This is because breakfast jump-starts your metabolism, and provides you with essential nutrients.

If you want to eat healthier, you should first learn more about proper nutrition. By researching information that is already available, you can bypass a lot of trial and error and start improving your health right away. Nutrition is truly a science, and it's important to base your new dietary plans on accurate information.

Breaking a junk food addiction is a tough, but rewarding obstacle on the journey to getting healthy. Habits that you have had for a long time are difficult to break because you have become accustom to the taste of those foods that are bad for you. You will most likely continue to suffer from cravings from these foods even after you have switched to a much healthier diet. It helps to realize when you are craving junk foods and replace that desire with a healthy alternative.

The benefits of nutrition go beyond just your physical health; they extend to your mental health and can shape your entire view of life. If your body lacks vitamins you can become lethargic or depressed. You can keep your body and mind in tip-top shape by maintaining a healthy diet.

It is essential to ingest protein everyday. Proteins help build muscles and promote healthy function of internal organs. They also help your energy metabolism and cell processes. Your body will defend itself better from disease with protein. You can find high quality protein in whole grains, dairy products, fish and fowl, meats, soy products, beans and legumes.

A diet that is rich in lean meat, oily fish that contains omega-3, low-fat dairy, whole grains and various produce will keep you very healthy. These sorts of diets will keep you as healthy as you possibly can be.

If you're trying to improve your health and establish better nutritional habits, a helpful tip is to eliminate grains from your diet for a short period of time. Humans have only recently begun to eat processed foods. Whole grains are far more healthy than processed flours. Humans only started eating grains recently. Skipping grains for short periods may improve your mood.

Walk through your nutrition goals one step at a time. If you try to change everything at one time you are more likely to find the task daunting and resume older unhealthy eating habits. If you want to make a real change, you must alter your diet slowly. Replace your soda with caffeinated tea and your chips with fruit. Once you become accustomed to the first set of changes, you can add more. You can inch your way into a nutritious diet before you know it!

Consuming the recommended daily number of calories is essential to staying healthy. For example, your body will get a lot more from a 1,000 calorie meal comprised of whole wheat, lean meats and veggies than it will from 1,000 calories of junk food. The type of food you consume is as important as the quantity of food you consume.

By taking smaller portions of food at each meal, you will be able to lower your daily calorie intake. If you are the kind of person who overeats, this is a good way to avoid extra weight.

Fruits and vegetables are an important part of your diet, and if you follow the rule of 5, you will find yourself getting the nutrients your body needs. This is because five is the magic number that tells you how many fruit and vegetable servings you should have in a single day. It may seem like a lot but one serving is smaller than you would imagine. For example, a half-cup of most fruits is considered a serving.

Nuts are nutritious and healthy if you eat them right. Almonds are a natural snack food with high fiber and great crunch. A good portion size is a small handful of the natural nuts.

Find substitutes for your high-fat dairy ingredients. If you try low fat dairy instead of whole milk products it will help you. If your dip recipe specifies sour cream, substitute plain yogurt instead. Recipes that call for thick cream can easily be made with evaporated milk instead. Dump the cream cheese and use ricotta cheese in its place. You will hardly notice a change in taste, if at all, but you will save a lot of calories.

A junk food addiction is hard to get rid of, but doing so is good for you. Eating junk food for a long time creates a bad habit that is difficult to break. It can be hard to resist these cravings long after the foods have been eliminated from your diet. It is vital to recognize junk food cravings and replace them with enthusiasm for healthier alternatives.

Be sure to consume enough dairy products on a daily basis, but make smart choices. for example, choose yogurt, not sour cream. Choose skim milk and not whole milk. While dairy foods can strengthen your bones, many dairy products are high in fat.

If you do not eat breakfast, you've already placed yourself in a bad spot at the beginning of your day. Many people skip breakfast thinking that forgoing those calories will help them lose weight. In reality, skipping breakfast makes you hungry, making you susceptible to eating unnecessary snacks throughout the day. You may eat more calories if you do not eat breakfast, you should have just went ahead and eaten it.

You should get your protein from sources other than meat. Protein comes in many other forms. Great options include beans, tofu, other soy products, and cheese. These can be used in other dishes as well. Make sure to add a variety of protein to your diet to keep things interesting.

Look at the whole nutrition label before you eat something. Just because a product has a label stating that it's "reduced fat" doesn't mean that it's not high in other unhealthy ingredients, such as sugar or salt. Your weight-loss diet should not include any processed foods. Look for simple, common ingredients that are easily understood. Labels with a lot of ingredients - particularly artificial ingredients - are a red flag.

Learning how to adjust your diet to be healthy and continuing to educate yourself about nutrition should become your life-long goal. The tips you have read about are only a minute sampling of the wealth of nutrition information within your reach. Find more information, so you can feed your body and mind.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Tips To Help With Weight Loss And Back Pain

Overweight and obesity is one of the major problem of back pain as every pound of excess weight adds more strain to your back. Weight loss is less about diets and more about goal achievement. If you want to stay at your desired level of fitness, you have to stick with the exercise and meal regimen you have created. Maintaining healthy habits is key to keeping weight off after you've lost it. Use the advice offered here to help you.

To help you when it comes to losing weight, you must try to monitor the amount of calories you consume. You will have a lot of trouble losing weight if you are eating too much. Consuming an excess amount of calories will hinder your weight loss efforts. Write down all that you eat and use that information to modify your diet to achieve your goals.

Try alternatives if you don't seem to be getting anywhere by following a traditional diet and exercise plan. Weight loss drugs like "Alli" can sometimes help. This particular drug works by stopping a lot of fat that you consume from being absorbed by your body. That is then defecated out instead of being absorbed. This can help you if you are struggling with changing your diet.

Avoid skipping meals. Ensure you eat at least three meals every day. Snacking is fine in moderation. A great way to snack is to carefully make up portions of your favorite healthy snacks to ensure that you won't over-eat. This helps produce harmony to your body for top functionality.

For people making a new weight loss plan, it is a good idea to get some professional help from a dietary specialist to help formulate some good meal plans. Each person has a different body type, so all diets do not work the same way. You can ask for help to lose weight.

Yogurt is the perfect food for people who want to lose weight. Plain or low fat options are the best choice. Yogurt can be added to a salad by using cucumbers and salt and pepper for a tasty snack. Fresh fruit can also be added as a nutritious alternative to your snack. Yogurt is delicious and high in calcium. It's also great for your bones.

When buying meat in large quantities, use a meat mallet to pound it. This will help you divide it in smaller portion when you cook it and eat it. Pounding meat also tenderizes it and makes it more enjoyable to eat.

If you are exercising a lot, try to make the activity enjoyable. Research indicates the importance of exercise in terms of weight loss, though lots of people find motivation to be a problem. Find things you enjoy, interactive video games, a walk in the park or playing a game with friends.

If you are regularly eating things that are bad for you, you are likely doing it for comfort. Look for situations or problems in your life that create a stronger desire to consume these comfort foods. Whenever you begin to crave comfort food you need to put yourself in a different situation that helps to alleviate these feelings.

If you plan your weekly meals, not only will you save money, but you will have a line up of healthy meals ready to be prepared each week. If you know what you're going to be eating ahead of time, you'll be able to prepare or thaw the items you need, making your meals easy to create.

Throughout your weight loss program, it helps to offer yourself healthy rewards as you meet your goals. You might decide to watch a movie you have wanted to see, get a massage or even go shopping. You can buy new clothes that you can feel confident wearing and that can feel rewarding. It also can keep you in a positive mood and keep you motivated to keep going.

Turn your phone time into workout time. Instead of sitting down while you are talking, get up and move around when you are on the phone. It's not like you are being asked to do aerobics or anything. If you talk on the phone often, these calories can amount to a lot over time.

Do not be embarrassed to leave a plate half full when trying to lose weight. Many people have it ingrained in them that they must clean their plate. You should not feel bad about getting a doggy bag to take the remainder of your meal home. You don't have to eat food just because you can see it. When you feel satisfied, put down your utensils and end your meal.

Find out what your ideal weight is. Using an online calculator is an easy way to determine your ideal body weight. It might not be what you think it is. This helps you set goals that are achievable so that you do not become discouraged.

Eating emotionally is a major source of gaining weight, and something that should be avoided at all costs. Exercise can cheer you up when you are feeling down. When you exercise, you release endorphins, which can help improve your weight loss regimen.

An easy method of dropping the pounds, one that you can do every single day, is walking up stairs. Opt for the stairs instead of the elevator to burn calories.

Consider using chili pepper cause. Chili peppers give your metabolism a boost, which gives you more energy while helping you burn more calories. Chili pepper sauce is good on proteins such as eggs and chicken. This can also provide extra flavor to your daily diet.

Don't keep high-calorie snack foods and sweets in the house. If you don't have candy and chips, you can't eat them. Rather than having unhealthy items, keep healthy food choices easily accessible to grab for a quick snack. For example, keep a platter of veggies in the fridge that you can go to when hunger strikes.

Eating when you're distracted is an easy way to gain weight. Make sure that you pay attention to the foods that you are putting into your body on a daily basis. Planning out your meals and snacks ahead of time will help you eat better and limit your portions.

Always try to get a full nights sleep. A full eight hours of sleep is the ideal recommendation for adults. Not getting enough sleep can sabotage your weight loss efforts. Sleep helps to keep your metabolism up so that you can burn calories.

As you now see, you can lose weight when you know how. Hopefully, you have learned enough to begin your weight loss journey and having the body you deserve. Put you mind to it, and you will succeed!

Monday 20 August 2012

Tips For Making Fresh Fruit And Vegetable Juices To Reduce Back Pain

Certain type of foods are excellent natural painkillers, especially beans and green leafy vegetables. Some fruits and vegetables can help to reduce inflammation, reduce sensitivity and act as analgesics on the pain nerves.

You can use any fruits or vegetables in a juice to vary flavors and create healthy drinks. You will reap more benefits by juicing healthy produce than you would by drinking frozen or bottled juice. You can also make your juice taste better because you're the one making it so you know what you like.

Don't mix types of juice; either make fruit juice or make vegetable juice in one container. Although both types of juice are healthy for you, your body doesn't digest them the same way. It uses different enzymes to break down fruit juices than it does vegetable juice. By combining vegetables and fruits, your body must perform double duty when breaking down the nutrients. Also, they won't be absorbed as efficiently. The one exception to this is the apple. Apples are a neutral fruit that can be used with any other ingredients to sweeten the juice.

Always leave your juicer on the counter in plain sight. Doing this will keep the juicer, and juice that you can make with it, in the front of your mind. It will be easy to access, therefore easy to use. By keeping it visible at all times, you will be more likely to use it.

When making juices to foster better health, select darker green produce for the foundation of your drinks. Try making half to three quarters of the juice consist of spinach or broccoli juice. Other dark green vegetables will do as well, giving your juice an added health kick. To give the juice a palatable taste, round it out with your favorite fruit juice.

Watch signals from the body when you drink juices. Some fruit juices will not work with your system. If you try a new recipe that leads to gastrointestinal upset, you should try to identify the problematic ingredient. Was it a citrus fruit or a different variety of vegetable that you had never eaten before? Many people can condition their bodies to tolerate the ingredient by eating small amounts to begin with.

One benefit of juicing is its ability to prevent urinary tract infections. Cranberries are very effective against this type of infection. Once you feel problems starting, begin to add them to your juice.

Fresh pineapple juice, prepared in the juicer, is a fine weight loss aid. To spice it up, you can make a mixture of pineapple and either a berry or apple. You can also make the juice last a long time by adding in an equal part of water to the mix. The best way you can drink pineapple juice is to drink it served over ice.

Keep the juicer on your kitchen counter in plain sight. Doing this will ensure that you use it regularly. As long as it is in your field of vision, you will find it easier to remember how much you love freshly squeezed juices.

Everyone knows vegetable and fruit juice is healthy, but did you know that juices containing phytochemicals are able to reduce the amount of carcinogens found in your body? When preparing your recipes, make sure you include foods that are full of this chemical in order to ensure you are getting the best possible health benefits.

Juice fruits and vegetables for another way to get the nutrients you need from those foods. Juicing can give you the energy to get up and exercise, and even protein to build muscle. If you do have a heavy exercise regimen, find fruits and vegetables that will help you replenish your electrolytes after a workout and add whey protein powder to rebuild muscle fibers.

When it comes to juicing, observe your body's reactions. You may drink something that does not agree with your system. If one juice makes you uneasy or queasy, figure out what it was that caused that reaction. You can then use smaller amounts and condition your body to them.

Colors can be your guide to good nutrition. Each vegetable or fruit juice color, from orange to red to purple, supplies the body with different vitamins and nutrients. The more varied the produce you use, the better the nutritional value and more enjoyable the taste.

Add some freshly grated ginger to your juice for an amazing boost of flavor and health benefits. Ginger will add a nice, unique flavor to your juice and cover the taste of strong vegetables. Ginger has amazing benefits besides adding good taste. It helps counter high blood pressure and helps your overall heart condition.

Juice should not replace meals. Vegetable juice is an awesome snack, but as good as juice is, it is missing critical proteins and fats you need to keep your body running, so using it to replace a meal isn't a good idea. It is a good idea, however, to drink juice before a meal to prevent over-indulging on lunch or dinner.

After creating your juice concoction, remember to consume it as soon as possible. The juice has the most nutrients right after it is made. If you wait some time to drink the juice, you will not get as much nutrition from it. It's always best to drink juice immediately after making it.

Restrain your adventurous side when juicing! You don't need to raid the produce section to get a tasty and healthy juice. Make juice with a few different vegetables, and for some sweetness add an apple. You can also do this when you make fruit juice combinations. Using only two or three different vegetables and fruits allows the flavor of every individual one to shine all the more!

However, cranberries are very bitter on their own. Try blending them up with sweeter fruits in order to make a tasty concoction. Adding mixed berries of all types will up your antioxidants and other vital nutrients! Find the perfect mix to complement your taste.

Try out a masticating juicer when you launch a campaign to incorporate juice into your diet. The additional features, such as milling, pureeing, and grinding, are well worth the price. Some can also make frozen desserts. Such options greatly increase the number of juice concoctions you can have in your repertoire.

The freshness of the fruits and vegetable you juice is very important. It is unwise to use extremely ripe items, as they are not optimal for juicing. Remove any bruises or bad spots in the fruit before throwing them in the juicer. Doing this will help guarantee that the juice you make is of the best quality.

Use color as your guide. Fruits and vegetables come in practically every color of the rainbow and each color is associated with specific minerals and other nutrients. Using a wide variety of colors will give you a full range of nutrients and many exciting tastes.

Don't drink juice in the place of a regular meal. A hardy vegetable juice can be a good snack replacement, however, it has little fat and protein, which makes it less than an ideal meal alternative. However, drinking juice before you eat a meal can keep you from eating too much of other, less healthy foods.

Clearly, a home juicer can do wonders for your mind, body, and especially your palate. Take the advice here to enhance your juicing experience in an effective and affordable way.

Thursday 16 August 2012

Tips To Help You Deal With Arthritis Back Pain

Your back pain problem could be a form of arthritis. Consult a doctor to confirm whether it is arthritis back pain. If yes, you should start treating the problem earlier to reduce disability. There are many things you can do to improve your condition, so that your life will be much more enjoyable. You will be able to learn how to adequately deal with your arthritis after you have read this article.

If you train with weights, it can increase your muscle mass and also help with arthritis pain. Moderate to more high intensity strength training can improve your physical well-being, emotional condition and functionality over the long run. This won't happen overnight, but you'll see definite gains if you keep at it.

Try to participate in aquatic activities if you suffer from arthritis. Aquatic therapy carefully practiced in warm water is gentle on the joints and muscles which can be a soothing way to exercise while lessoning the pain of arthritis flare-ups. Ask your doctor if there a warm water therapy program could be helpful for you.

For people the experience osteoarthritis in their knees, you might want to consult with your physician regarding getting electrical stimulation. It sounds extreme, but it has been shown to reduce the harsh swelling within the knees that is caused by arthritis, while also battling the arthritis separately.

Fight hard to not let arthritis control you! Your treatments will be most effective when you don't let your arthritis take over your life. Even if you feel like stopping, keep moving.

Before you begin to treat your problem as if it is arthritis, make sure you have the correct diagnosis. Treating a condition you don't have is not going to make you feel any better, and it could have dangerous side effects.

Surprisingly, one way to alleviate arthritis pain is to develop your abdominal muscles. A lot of joint damage is caused by poor posture, and research indicates that strong abs are vital to keeping your posture healthy. Take care to avoid overexertion when you're exercising.

For people who have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, a regular fitness routine is a very important means of caring for the joints. Search out professional help when it comes to designing an exercise routine. Talk with your doctor about using a personal trainer or physical therapy to get you on track with a manageable exercise program that will help to alleviate your arthritis symptoms.

Strength training has been proven to increase, or simply maintain muscle strength. Having more strength can help your arthritis pain. Strength training, as long as it is not high intensity, will help to improve multiple factors of your life, including physical ability and emotional conditions. This won't happen overnight, but you'll see definite gains if you keep at it.

As cliched as it sounds, simply doing something to take your mind off the pain is a great way to deal with arthritis. Spending a bunch of time thinking of your pain just has to do with your discomfort.

Arthritis can lead to decreased bone density, so increase calcium intake to counteract this and to guard against the potential for osteoarthritis to form. Common ways to increase your intake of calcium include ingesting dairy products such as yogurt, various forms of cheese, sour cream and milk. A lot of people aren't very big on dairy products in general, so you might want to think about calcium in powdered form or even a supplement.

You can improve your condition by exercising. However, use caution when you select the type of exercises you want to do. There are a specific group of exercises which can actually do more harm than help for your body. You might find that activities such as walking, cycling and swimming are beneficial, whereas sports that involve gripping of your hands, like tennis, should be avoided.

A heating pad that provides moist heat can give relief to arthritis sufferers. Nagging discomfort or severe pain can be relieved for a short time with the use of your moist heating pad. They offer quick relief from pain and help to improve range of motion in stiff joints; be sure to speak with your doctor if your pain worsens.

Getting a massage will help relieve the pain that arthritis can bring to your hands. This can help relax you and get some of the pressure off of your joints. Pain is often alleviated or reduced by a feeling of relaxation. Relax, breathe deeply and enjoy the massage!

If you have arthritis, it is vital that you exercise in comfortable shoes that are designed for your workout. This will make you unevenly distributed in terms of weight. They'll also wreak havoc on your leg joints. It is important to regularly replace your shoes, especially if you discover uneven patterns of wear on the soles.

Maintaining good posture will lead to stronger joints. Doing so works to alleviate the discomfort that often accompanies arthritis. Stand straight and always sit in a good position. Distribute your weight evenly on each leg. It will help keep your joints and spine stronger, and you may see your arthritis symptoms diminish.

Get the proper amount of exercise, and make sure it is the right kind. Exercise can help you keep your body fit and healthy, while making sure that you increase your flexibility. Although low-impact routines can help to prevent or reduce inflammation, it is nonetheless important that you do not overdo it. If anything is painful, stop immediately.

Arthritis is divided into three types: Rheumatoid, Psoriatic and Osteoarthritis. You need unique treatments for each one.

Exercise is helpful for dealing with arthritis but, you should not exercise during a flare-up of your arthritis. To keep your joints working properly, exercise is excellent, but you can cause damage and severe pain if you exercise during a flare-up. It is a good idea to refrain from exercising if you are experiencing joint pain.

Sleep in a bed that is right for your body. It is a good idea for people with arthritis to contact their doctor in order to find out exactly what type of bed should be used. Each person is unique, so getting expert advice is really the only way to find out which bed is the best one for your unique arthritis pain.

Conquer arthritis by fighting back with all of your might! Keeping in motion can help to ease the symptoms of arthritis by keeping your joints limber. When you don't feel like you can do it anymore, keep going anyway.

As mentioned earlier, arthritis is both a painful and prevalent affliction that people around the world deal with every day. However, with the best information and advice, it will become less difficult to care for your arthritis.

Monday 13 August 2012

Reduce Your Back Pain With This Advice

There are millions of back pain sufferers from countries all over the world. Living with back pain can be hard to cope with on a daily basis and do even the simplest of things. Fortunately, there are many effective remedies for back pain. This article is your go-to source for hand-picked back pain treatment tips.

Sit up straight. Not sitting up straight strains your spine and back. If you are sitting for a long period of time, be sure that you are doing so in a supportive and comfortable chair. Another option is to sit on an exercise ball, which builds strength in your back and almost forces you to use proper posture.

For fast pain relief, try back compression techniques. Wrapping your back will not only compress it but will also reduce the range of motion, assisting in the process of healing. However, don't go overboard and wrap the back too tight.

When you are carrying a load, always distribute it evenly. If you need to carry certain objects with you all the time, get a backpack that lets the weight rest on both shoulders.

Severe back pain should be reported to your physician. Your doctor might want to run some tests (including blood tests) and check out your medical history to look at any other factors that might be causing this pain.

See if your natural or holistic food stores have any pain remedies. There is a laundry list of items one could run down, but different stores sell different items. Ask store employees to recommend back pain products to you.

Proper breathing and relaxation are great remedies for back pain. Work on deep breathing techniques, and see if you notice any improvement in the way your back feels. You might just eliminate some of your pain.

You can spare yourself the discomfort of back pain by always maintaining proper posture. There is a false idea out there that you can only injure your back through strenuous activities. In reality, even a small thing such as poor posture at the computer, when repeated over a long period of time, can result in injury to the muscles of your back.

Prevent any situations which can cause your back to have fits, and you will get rid of a major cause of your back pain. Common back spasm triggers are caffeine, dehydration, stress, anxiety, poor sleep and low sodium levels. If you get a back spasm, place a heating pad on your back and get some rest.

Always be aware of your posture. Straighten your back, keep your elbows parallel to your body when using the computer, and make sure one foot is slightly in front of the other. Your neck should not be craning, nor should you be looking at a downward angle; instead, view straight ahead to your screen.

If you get back injuries often, make regular visits to the chiropractor before you begin feeling pain. Adjustments to your back that are made by a chiropractor can correct mis-alignments before they create a major problem.

It seems that everybody suffers some sort of back pain sooner or later. Most people believe a precise incident causes the back pain to appear. It can actually be an accumulation of smaller injuries that will finally result in a painful back.

Find a comfortable position to sleep in. Sleeping with your back down is the easiest way to keep pain at bay. Try to avoid sleeping with your stomach down at all costs.

Spending a lot of time in a car is frequently the culprit regarding back pain. Adjust your seat properly so that you can reach your wheel and pedals easily without straining.

Provide your back with needed support. Consider using an articulating arm mount for your computer at the office to help eliminate back strain. This piece of equipment swings your computer monitor aside when necessary.

When you have an onset of back pain, rest for a couple days to be able to correctly determine the severity and to prevent further injury. If the pain disappears, you probably suffered from a minor injury. Contrarily, if it doesn't get better or continues to hurt more, you'll want to see a licensed professional to figure out why. You may make your condition worse by resting too much, do not stay inactive for more than two days, as this can can muscles to atrophy more than they already have.

Go get a massage. Touch therapy is a unique practice that supplies comfort to people all across the world whom suffer from back pain. By getting a massage, the tight, cramped back muscles will be relaxed, thereby relieving the pain. If you have chronic back pain, try scheduling a massage once week. This may be enough to keep your back pain at bay.

Sometimes back problems can be created by the arrangement of your computer system. If you spend a lot of time in front of the computer, practice good habits by orienting yourself directly in front of the keyboard and monitor. The top of the monitor should be at eye level to prevent back and neck strain.

The use of a foot stool that fits snugly under the desk can prove useful for those who work behind a desk. When sitting for long periods of time, using the foot stool can provide quick relief to back pain. As soon as back pain hits, you should place your feet upon the stool to relieve it. The elevation should work to eliminate your pain before it can get worse.

A good massage therapist can ease your back pain and prevent it from getting worse than it already is. Much of your back's pressure and pain comes from daily living and the stress that it causes. Investing in massage therapies for back pain now can lead to enormous advantages in your future.

Stressing about back pain will only serve to worsen it. It's important to relax so you don't raise your chances of causing a muscle spasm. Get an adequate amount of sleep and use a heating pad to decrease pain, relax muscle and increase blood circulation to your back.

Even if your back is in pain right now, you now know that there's a way for you to get relief. The methods contained in this piece have been shown to greatly ameliorate back pain, and are therefore definitely worth a try. Soon, your back pain will be gone forever.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Ease Stress With These Tips And Prevent Back Pain

Stress can cause your muscles to tense up and go into painful spasms resulting in severe back pain. Everyone had different stress triggers. While stress is everywhere, most people aren't sure about how to effectively handle it. In this article you will learn some ways to help you better deal with excess stress and begin to live life more relaxed and stress-free.

Take a break and daydream to forget about your stress. Visualize a special place where you want to be, and then let your thoughts wander. Taking such a little mental vacation can really improve your overall ability to cope with stress.

Incorporating some breathing exercises into daily life can help to reduce stress. Rapid and shallow breathing is a result of too much stress, and controlling our breathing can relieve that tension. This is an excellent way to relieve stress, so therefore, it should be done daily to ensure your stress levels don't get too high.

Reduce your stress and unwind by enjoying long, hot baths. Soaking in a tub is a great way to push all your worries and cares out of your mind. If you lack the time to luxuriate in a proper bath, you can wash your hands and face with hot water to soothe you and help you imagine how it feels to take a hot bath.

Construct a daily agenda, and religiously follow it. When your schedule is crazy, you will probably feel more stressed. Once you have created a schedule, you will be able to see exactly what you need to take care of that day.

Regardless of all the commitments that you have, it is important that you take time out each day for yourself. You can have a quiet cup of coffee as you enjoy the paper, or even take a glass of wine in with you as you enjoy a nice soak in the bathtub. These special, quiet times can reduce your stress levels and allow you some time to relax.

Compose a short and meaningful statement that you can focus on if you are stressed. Use it as a mantra to silence any doubts about yourself that may be making you more stressed. You might tell yourself you can overcome the current problem, to calm down, or whatever helps you cope in an adaptive manner.

Remind the people in your life that they are not the direct cause of the stress in your life. Frequently, spouses, and particularly children, feel like they are at fault. Your stress is your problem, so you shouldn't make those around you feel as if it is their fault, because they are the ones that love you the most.

A professional massage is recommended if you suffer from high levels of stress. A lot of times stress is carried in your body, and it makes your muscles tense. An experienced masseuse will be able to work out much of the stress and tension in your body, leaving you relaxed and rejuvenated.

One of the best ways to reduce stress is to live a healthy lifestyle. Eating better, exercising more and sleeping for a full eight hours per night are all proven to reduce anxiety. When you take care of your body, you feel better about yourself and that will help you when you are trying to relax in stressful times.

Treat yourself to a hot bath, at the end of a long day, to release tension. Put in some scented oils or soaps and really luxuriate. You can also listen to soft music or indulge in a book. The warmth of the bath will soothe your body and the relaxation techniques will give your brain some much needed rest.

Practice and get used to saying, "No". Unconditionally agreeing to every request opens the door to unnecessary and potentially harmful stress. Only take on what you can manage reasonably, and learn that it's ok to say no to the rest. You must be able to care for yourself. It's essential.

Participating in hobbies are wonderful ways to relieve stress. Doing any type of creative activity can get your mind off due dates and money for a bit.

Deep breathing can make you feel much better when you are feeling stressed. Taking a deep breath is a great way to calm yourself down when you are feeling anxious and overwhelmed and studies have shown that when practiced habitually, it can reduce stress.

An effective method of stress reduction is to engage in exercise. You can do this easily by power-walking or jogging. These exercises are effective, because they cause the body to release endorphins. One of the beautiful effects of the release of endorphins is how they calm you down. Exercise has the added benefit of promoting the removal of stress causing toxins from your body.

Water is surprisingly effective at reducing stress. Consistent water consumption will not only make you focus and feel better physically in the long run; but a single, refreshingly cold sip can also slow your pulse and satisfy cravings. Aim to drink at least one liter of water each day to maximize your results and to feel less stressed.

To help relieve some stress from your life, you may want to think about preventing potential health conditions. If you don't take preventative measures to protect your health, that can lead to problems; not only that, but wondering and worry about your health can lead to stress. Take care of your body and mind by having routine check-ups and recommended screenings.

Do not allow your anxiety to prevent you from enjoying work and social situations. Pets, on the other hand, have much simpler needs and they can actually help to reduce stress. The time spent interacting with a beloved pet offers healthy respite from the stress of the outside world.

Another way of getting rid of stress is trying out aromatherapy. There are particular scents that will naturally help you relax, and give you a sense of tranquility. Essential oils can cause a reduction in tension and stress; consider sandalwood or lavender. Keep a bottle of some these oils with you at all time so you can alleviate yourself of any tension you feel whenever you want.

You should control your stress levels as much as possible. High stress can cause many health problems. Some of the health problems stress can cause or worsen are depression, muscle aches, insomnia, heart attacks, hypertension and stroke. Getting adquate sleep will minimize stress and can even reduce the possibility of getting sick.

Your favorite food can help you get rid of your stress. Only do this if you have the self-control to not overeat. Such a treat is most effective when you devote your full attention to it, concentrating on the taste and savoring every bite you take. Used in moderation, this method can be effective in dealing with stress.

Remember that you are not obliged to bear stressful burdens. Hopefully, this article show you a lot of ideas for managing your stress levels. Now put these tips to use and you'll much better.

Monday 6 August 2012

Useful Tips On Managing Your Back Pain

Your life can be affected by back pain in numerous ways. It can prevent you from going out or exercising, and it becomes hard to do daily activities. This article contains some useful advice for those suffering from back pain that could help to make the future pain free.

If you are a mother who breastfeeds a baby, sit in a chair to do so rather than using a sofa. The position that you breastfeed in could cause you to suffer from back pain if you are not sitting properly. You should also place a cushioned pad or pillow behind your back as you feed your baby.

To stay away from back pain, make sure your diet includes plenty of calcium and vitamin D. Not having enough of these nutrients can deplete your bones. The result of these vitamin deficiencies can be deterioration that rapidly turns into back pain. You need to get calcium rich foods in your diet, get a lot of sunlight, and take supplements if you need. Your back will be one happy body part.

Quit smoking now! Research has proven that a smoker is 30 times more likely to start having pain in their back. Back pain occurs in smokers due to poor blood circulation and constricted blood vessels, which prevent essential nutrients from traveling to the disks and lower spine. This causes these brittle areas to become easily injured.

It is important that your back is properly supported when you spend a lot of time in an office chair. Poor lumbar support is the source of a lot of back pain. You can give yourself some extra support by placing a pillow behind you in the area of your lower back.

If you have back pain that is chronic, one helpful tip is to walk often. The motion of walking is good for your body because it uses many muscles and eases tension.

Exercising the right way can prevent back pain from ever occurring. Ask your doctor or physical therapist the right ways to stretch or about conducting some strength training to increase the strength of your muscles and your flexibility. If you have strong and flexible muscles, they can offer much needed support to your bones and reduce the stress on your spine.

Do you currently have back pain? Avoid certain movements, such as twisting, as much as you can. Whether you are lifting heavy objects or just cleaning your house, if you are twisting your back often, you can cause a server back injury or experience a lot of pain. While playing sports, focus on how you're moving your spine, if you feel pain or tightness, slow down.

A good mattress is crucial to a good night's sleep and reducing back pain. Mattresses cost a lot of money, but fortunately, a lot of manufacturers invite customers to try out a mattress for 30 days or longer, as long as the mattress has a lot of protection.

Relaxation and rest are great treatments for back pain, and techniques like breathing exercises can do wonders. Learn some simple breathing exercises if you suffer from pain in your back. This may help you reduce your suffering.

Cease your smoking. Smoking causes a great deal of health issues, and one of them is exacerbating back pain. Stopping smoking can relieve your back.

A common complaint of expecting mothers is back pain. The extra load the baby places in front of the mother, causes the body to compensate by leaning backward, putting strain on the lower back. Massaging the lower back is the best way to deal with this kind of pain.

For those who suffer from back pain and immobility, gently stretching muscles surrounding your back can help immensely. Your back muscles are large and spread out over most of your torso, so a hurt back can hurt your entire body. You should definitely work on stretching all muscle groups.

When you make an appointment with a doctor to deal with back pain, ask him the right types of questions. He can diagnose the cause of pain and recommend things to treat it and keep it from becoming more painful and explain the risks of any medicines that you may take for the pain.

In terms of a great tip for back pain relief, try checking out a natural foods store or a holistic shop for some organic remedies. There are many different homeopathic remedies that your health food store can suggest you. Ask the clerk about products on hand for back pain.

Water therapy can help you to overcome back pain. The water supports your body's weight so your bones and muscles don't have to do it. Water can also improve motion range that can be affected by different back problems. Most swimming pools have water therapy classes.

Drinking coffee has been reported to help with easing chronic back pain. Studies indicate that caffeine found in coffee acts to block the chemical adenosine. Adenosine stiffens your back, so drinking coffee will stretch out your back muscles and prevent pain.

Are you suffering from chronic back pain? Don't twist too much during your daily activities! This means you should not lift anything heavy, and be careful if you are going to clean your house. Pay attention to the way you're moving your spine when playing sports, if you feel tightness or pain, slow down.

Trading in you ultra soft, pillow top mattress for a firm mattress with added support can reduce back pain. Mattresses may be expensive, but a lot of manufacturers will encourage trying the mattress at home for about one month or more, as long as there is ample protection.

It's a good idea to begin a habit of visiting the chiropractor once or twice every six months. You will want to visit them even more if you are genetically inclined to back problems, or placed in harm's way more often than average. A chiropractor can fix any small issues before they turn into serious injuries.

Getting enough sleep is important. It's crucial you take the time and rest. Rest on the bed with pillows beneath your legs. Stretch and relax for a few minutes. Learn to listen to your body when it tells you to rest and you can avoid most back pain.

Don't let your back pain take over your life. Do everything you can to make your pain more manageable so that you can live your life the way you want to. Now that you've read this article, take the advice that you think will work for you and apply it to your life.

Saturday 4 August 2012

Managing Back Aches And Pains For The Chronic Sufferer.

Many people today have a problem with chronic back pain! There may be several causes for this. If you suffer from back pain, read this article to find out how you can prevent and get rid it.

You can have greater back pain if you stand for a long period of time. For many individuals, standing for long periods without taking breaks places both pressure and strain on the lower back region. It is important that a balance between sitting and standing is reached so as to ensure the back is kept at its optimal health.

Customized workout programs can be tremendously useful in terms of ameliorating back injuries and back pain. For instance, yoga promotes flexibility that helps you avoid straining your muscles unnecessarily. Doing exercises that strengthen your core can prevent back injury for those whose jobs involve heavy lifting.

Lift with your knees when you are lifting any item that is even a little bit heavy. If you pick heavy items up using a poor technique, then it can cause major back problems. Bend your knees while lifting and pick up the item as close to the body as you can; this allows your core muscles to engage in the lift.

It is important that your back is properly supported when you spend a lot of time in an office chair. Poor lumbar support is the source of a lot of back pain. You can give yourself some extra support by placing a pillow behind you in the area of your lower back.If you have frequent back pains, smoking could be the main cause of your problems. Smoking cuts down flow of blood to the body, and that might result in spinal disc degeneration.

When sitting, always make sure you're straight. Not sitting up straight strains your spine and back. Having a chair with good back support is necessary for anyone required to sit for extended time periods. Another option is to sit on an exercise ball, which builds strength in your back and almost forces you to use proper posture.

Prolonged periods of sitting or driving can put your back muscles in jeopardy. If you sit for long periods of time, you should consider purchasing a cushion for the back of your seat. These are available online, and at your local retail pharmacy. They have many different types of support pads, and you just have to find one that you feel comfortable using.

Seeking household help may help decrease your back pain. You don't have to feel embarrassed if you need to ask somebody to assist you with cleaning around your home and lifting heavy furniture. You don't need to worsen your injury through twisting your back while moving or dusting furniture.

Muscle spasms will need to be eased if you are having serious back pain. The fastest way to relieve the discomfort is lie down and put heat on the painful muscles. It may also be a good idea to drink more fluids than usual and lower the sodium in your diet until the pain diminishes. This is because dehydration can bring on or worsen muscle spasms.

If you're over 10 pounds overweight, you should get yourself on a diet in order to eliminate these excess pounds. Your body's center of gravity shifts with the additional weight, especially if the weight has been gained around your abdominal region. The lower portions of your back will be particularly vulnerable, and can contribute to back pain in future years.

If you have severe back pain and are unable to schedule an appointment with your regular physician, consider going to the emergency room to avoid doing permanent damage to your spine. Many sufferers find that back pain from ruptured discs and other issues is relieved by lying on their back and bending their knees, with feet flat on the floor. This position lowers the tension existing in the muscles and tendons that run from the back down through the legs.

Being on your feet for long periods of time can make back pain worse. For many, standing so long can put excess strain on the back muscles. To prevent back pain, don't stand all the time, but don't sit all the time either; you need to balance the two positions so that you can rest your back.

Many computer workstation setups promote poor posture, and thus promote back pain. Position your computer so that the screen is at eye level and so that the keyboard can be reached without unwarranted strain on your back.

It's a good idea to begin a habit of visiting the chiropractor once or twice every six months. You will want to visit them even more if you are genetically inclined to back problems, or placed in harm's way more often than average. These regular visits to the chiropractor are often the only thing that helps keep a small back problem small, or gone all together.

There are some forms of paralysis that can be successfully treated surgically. In addition, there are a few, very rare back conditions where a surgical procedure is the only treatment option. Many times, these situations are degenerative diseases or other situations without much of a cause and effect.

Losing weight can make a huge difference in reducing the amount of back pain you experience. When you carry excess weight, dropping several pounds will work to lessen back strain. Because pain in the lower back is often a result of excessive loads on ligaments and muscle groups, heavier individuals lacking muscle tone are more likely to suffer. Exercise regularly and eat healthy food to get you body mass index in proportion.

If you have to sit for prolonged periods of time, for example at the movies or on an airplane, sit with your leg crossed. The act of crossing your legs forces you to use both hip muscles and back muscles. This means a larger portion of your muscles will remain active, helping to reduce back pain. Make sure that you cross both legs in order to evenly use your muscles.

When carrying heave load, occasionally switch sides. If you continue to carry the items on one side of your body, it could stress your back muscles and cause you some pain later.

It's a good idea to begin a habit of visiting the chiropractor once or twice every six months. You will want to visit them even more if you are genetically inclined to back problems, or placed in harm's way more often than average. A chiropractor can fix any small issues before they turn into serious injuries.

Getting enough sleep is important. It's crucial you take the time and rest. Rest on the bed with pillows beneath your legs. Stretch and relax for a few minutes. Learn to listen to your body when it tells you to rest and you can avoid most back pain.

Even as you peruse this piece, you may be suffering from back pain, but take heart and know that you can find a solution. Take advantage of all the tips in this article; they have been proven to reduce back pain. You can soon make your back pain a memory of the past.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Learn How To Stay Away From Back Pain.

Throughout the world, there are many different people suffering from different types of back pain. It can be hard to perform activities of daily living when you have back pain. Unfortunately, treating back pain can be difficult. However, there are numerous ways in which you can effectively manage your back pain. Apply the tips from this article to help manage your back pain, and take back your life.

Use a back support! You can buy a cool piece of back-saving equipment for your office known as an articulating arm. The arm holds your computer monitor, and allows it to swing out of your way.

To stay away from back pain, make sure your diet includes plenty of calcium and vitamin D. Not having enough of these nutrients can deplete your bones. The result of these vitamin deficiencies can be deterioration that rapidly turns into back pain. You need to get calcium rich foods in your diet, get a lot of sunlight, and take supplements if you need. Your back will be one happy body part.

Studies say that 66 percent of people have pain in their back during some time in their lives. Back problems are not always caused by a single injury or event. In reality, back pain usually is preceded by a cumulative set of circumstances.

If you have to sit for prolonged periods of time, for example at the movies or on an airplane, sit with your leg crossed. If you cross your legs, it will put your back and hip muscles to use, and if you keep them moving you will prevent pain. Make sure you alternate how your legs are crossed so you use both sides of the muscles.

There are fitness programs that are very effective in decreasing injuries to the back and the pain that results from them. Yoga is just one of the low impact exercises programs that can strengthen muscles, improve flexibility and prevent future strained muscles. Along those lines, strength-building exercises for the core muscles help you when you need to do heavy lifting on the job by building up the strength of the back muscles that are used all the time.

Quit smoking! Studies show a relationship between smoking and developing back pain. Smoking decreases blood circulation throughout your body while also constricting the blood vessels, and that prevents the healthy nutrients from traveling to your discs and lower spine. When this happens, they become brittle and more susceptible to injury.

Willow bark and Devil's claw are two holistic medications that are taken orally to ease back pain. There are too many to list, and different stores will offer treatments. Consider asking someone who works there and seems knowledgeable about what may help reduce your back pain.

Having a comfortable desk chair is key to reducing lower back pain. When you sit, the discs you have in your back are compressed and strained. If you have a comfortable chair, it can help out a lot. It should offer proper support and not add any unneeded pressure to your lumbar region. Use arm rests to make sure that you are sitting properly.

Standing for long periods can significantly increase back pain. For many, standing so long can put excess strain on the back muscles. To improve your back health, try switching between sitting and standing positions to keep your back from tiring.

When you are in the throes of back pain, you have to attempt to quiet muscle spasms. The best way to accomplish this is to lie on a bed or floor and put heat on your sore muscles. You also should limit sodium intake and drink plenty of clear fluids until the pain is over. You want to prevent dehydration, which can bring on even worse muscle spasms.

Ask your organic foods store for ways you can naturally reduce your back pain. There are many products and remedies on the market today, and it is really more effective to simply shop around and see what's available than to try to list them all. Ask someone on staff what might work for the pain in your back.

If you're breastfeeding your new baby, make sure you do it in a sturdy chair and not a sofa. Positioning is very important while breastfeeding to avoid suffering from back pain. Also, keep a cushioned pad on your back when breastfeeding.

The right workout routine can help you rehab and reduce back injuries and their resulting pain. Yoga is just one of the low impact exercises programs that can strengthen muscles, improve flexibility and prevent future strained muscles. Weightlifting that targets core muscles is all beneficial. If you build up these muscles, your back will better be able to sustain the demands of heavy lifting.

A good massage can really relax your back and keep a minor problem from becoming a major one. Our daily lives put a lot of pressure and strain on our backs, and over time it adds up. Good massages will make your back feel less painful and be a great investment for the long-term health and comfort of your back.

A gentle stretch of your back and leg muscles can help you to work out back pain. If your back is in pain, it can hurt all over because this muscle group spreads out over most of your stomach. You should definitely work on stretching all muscle groups.

Compression should be applied immediately to reduce pain. Wrapping your back compresses it and limits your range of motion, aiding in healing. But you want to make sure your back is not wrapped too tight.

If your back is hurting you, it is definitely a very good idea to seek the assistance of a professional. You should not feel ashamed asking for help when you need something to be lifted, or when you need some cleaning around your home. You could injure yourself further if you do things on your own.

Do you have nasty back pain? If so, do not twist your back too much as you go about your day. No matter what you are doing, if you frequently twist your back, you can injure your back muscles and cause pain. Pay special attention to your spine when participating in sports activities and if you feel tightness or pain, it may be time to take it easy.

Avoid stress if you have back pain, since tensing muscles can make it worse. Learning to relax is key, as it will decrease your chances of experiencing muscle spasms. Get enough rest, and you may find heat relaxing to your muscles.

Getting enough sleep is important. It's crucial you take the time and rest. Rest on the bed with pillows beneath your legs. Stretch and relax for a few minutes. Learn to listen to your body when it tells you to rest and you can avoid most back pain.

The article shows that there are a variety of ways to alleviate back pain. Some of the treatments described above may take a while to work, but when they do, you will notice the difference. The suggestions you have learned here will help you lead the happy and pain-free life you deserve.